LOLER Inspection Services

Independent & Impartial Inspections to Ensure our Lifts Exceed Safety & Reliability standards.

“L.O.L.E.R”: The Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations (1998)

LOLER refers to a set of standards that must be met by regular Inspection for Companies that use & work on Lifting equipment, Including Passenger & Goods Lifts. - It is intended to ensure that equipment is up-to a Safe and Faultless Standard.

^ LOLER Inspections are required by Regulation, They apply to any and all Organisation that uses Lifting Equipment such as Passenger & Goods Lifts, Hoists and any form of Lifting Equipment.

^ By LAW These inspections are required to be conducted every 6 Months for Passenger Lifts & 12 Months for Goods.

^ We use Impartial & Experienced Inspectors to ensure nothing goes amiss, Nothing is Hidden and that we are held to the Highest standards possible.

^ We keep strict records of Servicing, Repair, Installation and On-Going Inspections - Available at the customers request any time.

^ Any Faults, Defects or Advisory points on Inspection will be met with an Immediate Corrective action plan, and work commenses urgently.


— Pop us an E-Mail / Call-Back Request for a Free On-Site Consultancy Visit to discuss the Condition & Requirements of your lift!


01234 388 980